Shipping schedule and updates

- We will be shipping the 2nd run of our N scale PC-90 Piggy-Packers from Dec. 6th to Dec. 13th to all customers except item no. 70026 Western Pacific Transport. The factory made a lettering mistake on the Western Pacific Transport and is being corrected by the factory . . . which means that item will be shipped sometime in January. We apologize for the delay of item no. 70026 to all our customers.
- N scale Pacific Car & Foundry 50-ft 70 Ton Insulated Loader-Equipped Box Cars pre-orders are due this Sat. Dec. 8th to your dealers or direct. We should have painted samples at the end of the month.
- HO Scale PC-90 Piggy-Packers update: We anticipate complete tooling of mold work in mid-January. Stay tuned for this model in HO scale!
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