The Real HD-21 Side Boom from Wheels of Time!

As I was developing the CAD modeling for our new Wheels of Time HD-21 Side Boom tractor, I came across these interesting lift diagram and brochures. According to this diagram, if the boom has a horizontal overhang of four feet, then a maximum lift capacity of 72 tons can be lifted.**
One of the brochures has the words "Tractomotive." Tractomotive Corp. was formed from a number of poeple from Allis-Chalmers. In the 1950, Tractomotive products were sold through Allis Chalmers dealer network. The TSB-21 model used the Allis Chalmers HD-21 tractor "base" which was developed in 1954. By 1959, Allis Chalmers merged Tractomotive products into their product line and re-badged their "new" Sideboom tractor with the original A-C plate. In the 1960's, they rebranded their line as just HD-21 Sideboom tractor with the familiar triangle logo and HD-21 plate.
Wheels of Time brings you this HD-21 Side Boom tractor kit in HO and N scales from our Custom Editions line - all made in U.S.A.
We are taking Pre-Orders by Dec. 1st! HO scale Side Boom N scale Side Boom
**Noticed the words: Tiende Tubos literally means pipe extender. The diagram seems to be for an international dealer or customer in Spain or in South America where the decimal comma is commonly used. Also, one metric tons is 1.10 U.S. tons or 2000 pounds.
HD-21 loading diagram
TSB-21 Side Boom
AC TSB-21 Side Boom
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