More Heavyweight Car for The Dixie Line!

The Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway started life 1851, but was controlled by L&N for most of it's existence until the merged into L&N (1957). Known as a bridge carrier through it's 735 mile route in the south - it was the original Dixie Line railway before L&N adopted the motto. NC&St.L field a variety of passenger trains with heavyweight & lightweight equipment mixed together like it's parent road L&N. Classic named trains were: The Dixie Flyer, Dixie Limited, The Dixieland, The Georgian (Nashville to Atlanta), City of Memphis (Nashville to Memphis). NC&St.L No. 960 heavyweight baggage-express car became L&N 1355 sometime after the merged into L&N. This 71'-8" as measured inside were lettered in script font - and in this manner over the baggage doors! Perfect for your NC&St.L - L&N train. Wheels of Time is happy to present this classic Dixie Line car in N-scale. Pre-orders due on May 19th.
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