People can make a difference . . . well sometimes.

As we work feverishly on the upcoming products in development. Here's a break in the action for you.
Sometimes while taking photos of trains, people are an added plus. Other times well, I wish I can photoshop them out. Here are some of my diggings through my collection. Dad train watching with me in '79, the Amtrak San Joaquin train to Oakland - at one of our favorite spots right next to Spenger's in Berkeley.
Next photo, my brother's hand waving to the engineer sort of got in the way, but it's rather fun now . . . with "proper" photo of the Southern Pacific EMD dynamic equipped SW-8 switcher in the next photo.

Finally, ah shucks . . . wish they weren't there. Chicago-bound Metra from Wheaton on the Northwestern Line with the original carbon steel gallery coaches.

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