Photo break for your day!

I took this shot of an EMD SD-45T-2 for your photo break for your day. For those who remember seeing these locomotives like myself, enjoy! Some of you have asked for the latest at Wheels of Time. We are in the midst of working on the next set of products, and am personally juggling end of school year activities with my family. * HO scale Lumber Loads is in production. Looks like production will be completed by mid-June. They will have snap-together parts for ease of your assembly - and after hearing request for adding some color to it - they will be in a yellow-brown color. All you need to do is weather them. * Our N scale 60-ft Arched / Harriman baggage-express cars are also at the factory level. In the meantime, hope you have a great day and be sure to ride some real trains.
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