A little bit of history from . . .

Here's a little bit of history from Wheels of Time way-back-machine. Commission de transport de Montréal (for the non-Francophone folks: Montreal Transportation Commission) roll signs on these 1956 buses just posted the route number - in this case "15". By 1963, the sign included the route name and destination for the convenience of the riding public. The Metropolitan Transit Authority (Boston) took over the unprofitable operations of the Boston Elevated Railway in 1947 with the "MTA" logo showing up on their vehicles. By 1964, MTA was re-organized with expanded operations, and renamed as MBTA in the familar T logo that carries on today. The San Francisco Munipal Railway or Muni adopted the green-and-cream wings paint scheme for it's buses, trolleys and PCC streetcars in the late 1940s. During the 1960s, Muni experimented with a new simplified scheme - sans wings - since it was reasoned that the billboard advertisement placed on the sides of the vehicle usually covered up the "wings". Hope you enjoyed a little bit of history - which you can appreciate from all of our trains and vehicles from Wheels of Time.
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