Wheels of Time Blog

Our winter update in photos . . .

Wheels of Time new "Shock Control" Santa Fe boxcar in it's all red revised paint scheme getting pad printed - taken just before the Lunar New Year holiday - which is like our Thanksgiving and Christmas rolled into several weeks long of merriment.WOT factory pad printing

S.P. Chair Car getting primed on for those customers who ordered a complete build from us. Yes, we are mighty late on this product. We had to go through several interations of printing parts to eliminate the bugs.WOT painting SP Chair Cars

Painted samples of our HD-21 Tractor of how it looks build up from a kit.  BTW, we will be doing a second run of these HD-21s in both HO and N scale due the popularity. We simply couldn't fulfill all the extra orders coming in. . . plan on announcing it next week on our website and through our email newsletter. Enjoy!WOT HD-21 closeupWOT HD-21 yellowWOT HD-21 orange


Shipping HD-21s

Just a quick note. We are shipping our HO and N scales HD-21 tractors to all of our pre-ordered customers. Those who are on the wait list, we might do a second run. Give me a shout out if that interest you - dealers too! Some pics for your enjoyment.Loading them up!

Packaging them


Happy Holidays to all of you!


Waiting + almost ready to go in anticipation.

Waiting and almost ready to go in anticipation - that is the word for the day for our Wheels of Time production. Our N & HO scale Custom Editions HD-21 Crawler + Dozer are being made. Those who ordered "the Works", we will be in touch with you, to find out what pint color tractor you would want. Our N scale 1937 Daylight Chair car as modified in the late 50's as a well as our HO and N scale trucks are also being made too. We had an issue with the 3D printer which has since been repaired - not a timely thing to have it breakdown in prodcution. Our N scale PC&F Exterior Post Boxcars, the final details are being set up at our new factory. Our HO scale flatcars will follow after that production. And those who ordered the N scale WP F7 Fab Four, hang tight, Intermountain RR Co. told me they are committed to our joint project. Timetable for that one is we are waiting in anticipation. Sounds a little bit like "Advent". Happy Holidays!


Status update - production schedules

For those who have ordered our Wheels of Time HD-21 crawler and dozer in HO and N scales, we are in the midst of our production. For those who ordered HO scale trucks, we are running addtional, since we are temporarily out of stock on a few of those numbers. We appreciate your overwhelming support on these these products! It's a good problem to have. For those who have ordered our SP 77-C-x passenger chair car, those are also in being made. We anticipate delivering all those products in the next several weeks.

Our N-scale 2nd run of our PC&F Exterior Post Insulated Boxcars should be releasing in Spring 2019. Our HO plain deck and straight tapered bulkhead flatcars should be shipping in Summer of 2019. Our joint project with Intermountain Railway (IRC) for our WP Final Fs is still on, but we have not heard the latest status from IRC. Thank you again for all of your customer support and encouragement!


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