Wheels of Time Blog

Shipping our new N scale Flatcars and other updates

We are shipping our new N scale flatcars to all of our customers through early November.

Our SP wheelcar in N scale is late November.

Our FM H12-44 DIY kit in N scale is mid to late November.

Our SP Lounge car kit in N scale is late Nov to early Dec.

If you sent an email, I might be a little slow in responding because I have a quite a bit going on. Thank you for understanding! 


Revealing the truth ... in painting.

Just before I pulled way the masking tape, my heart momentarily stopped. Will my painting come out nicely? Will the paint seep under the tape? Ah, it's moment of truth! Here is one of the trolley coach which I am working on for a client - a batch of TC-49. I leave it to my sharp minded readers to guess the transit property.

In the meantime, don't forget pre-orders for our N scale FM H12-44 Phase 1 locomotive DIY kits and our N scale 1949 SP Lounge Car are due in about a week!

Go here for more information - FM H12-44 and SP Lounge Car.

WOT photo - maskingOk. Not too bad.


Live from the National N scale Convention

Wheels of Time is delighted to announce two new products!

N SP Lounge This is a nicely designed kit - to put back the fun in kit building again. Precisely designed including the proper underframe A/C, battery boxes detail as per SP prototype. Check it out. Taking resevations now!

 N FM H12-44Wheels of Time is also delighted to share our delight in making things accurate and creative. This is a DIY kit that pops on the Atlas VO-1000 mechanism.  Five different variations to cover multiple roads. Get your creative juices going and check it out. Reservations now until July 20th.


News from Wheels of Time

I thought I update you on one of Wheels of Time projects.

Attached is a photo of our N scale SP Lounge Car - Class 83-L-1 which is in the works. SP assigned them to S.F. Overland, Golden State, CoSF, Del Monte streamliners. Later it was leased to Amtrak and in the 80s-90s on SP business train use.

I am looking to open pre-orders by May.  Currently, I am working out our production. These will be made locally. It will include proper Waukesha A/C equipment including subcooler, ice engine and Enginator; Propane cabinets; Battery boxes and water tank; Etched metal grab irons, handles, radio atennae; Inside Swing Hanger Trucks (4-TC-8);  full interior. Have a great weekend!

WOT N scale SP 83-L-1



Update: 2 New options: N scale SPMW Wheel Car

As requested by main of you, we are including two new options for our N scale SPMW F-70-12 Wheel Car.

Option - C New prototype car number:  SPMW 5323.  Only available as completely assembled and painted.

Option - D Just the wheel frame and wheelsets on a tree. Requires painting and assembly. NO Flat Car.

Check it out!  Just remember all Pre-orders are due by March 10th.  Thank you!Call out button